Saturday, September 18, 2010

Treating cancer at a late stage

If you know of anybody with late stage cancer, do ask the family to read this article and make the right choice. Go to


Everlearning said...

No one wants to rectify or eradicate the roots that caused all kinds of cancers. The relevant authorities, the doctors, the medical science researchers are more willing to spend their time, money and energy to find cures.

Haven't we had enough informations and materials to warn smokers to quit smoking. Even the cigarette packing shows gruesome consequences of smoking could not deter or change the smokers' mindsets to stop smoking. The worse is the passive smokers, those who inhale it in the air and die of cancers.

The smokers couldn't careless the people around them. The authorities try their best to stop people from smoking by heavily put a tax. The medical science tries desparately to find all sorts of cures and the exorbitant costs are passed to the patients who eventually wipe out their lifetime savings or incur debts for their children to pay off for them.

Stop the production of cigarettes. Stop the selling of cigarettes. No, you couldn't do all these. Many families will lose their livelihood (Americans I think). No, I think many will lose their money-making businesses!

I feel sorry for we have to suffer for the wrongdoings of others who only care for what they can gain materially. Truly, there is no wisdom in this world only the wisdom of God the world hates.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Tan,
I have read the article but we are human so as long as someone dangle hope no matter how small it is, we can never let it goes.

I remember for my dad, he has a brain damage from stroke/infection (We dont really know as different specilists tell us different thing) we consulted numerous specialists and only after many years that we realised nothing can be done. That is when we settle to accept and try to make his life as confortable as we can till he dies 17 years later from the day he went into coma.

It is easy when one is not connected emotionally and can make a rational decision but for the family, it is hard to let go.

zhummmeng said...

Like insurance agents these doctors are also koyok salesmen who exploit and prey on the emotion and desperateness even they know there is no hope but money, fee or commission has the better of them.

yujuan said...

Doctors in private practice have money motive in mind, they are out to make money, throwing morals to the wind.
Personally i have come across doctors who are trigger-happy for surgery, just to make money.
Depending on time and conditions, it is better to consult doctors in public hospital first, but then with a huge increase in the population, it is very distressing just to get an appointment, you have to wait for months sometimes.
You could not afford to get sick here in this country, you have to bust your savings to get treatment for diseases like cancer, and you have to fight to get medical with all these PRs and foreigners.

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