Friday, January 14, 2011

Buying car insurance online

Dear Mr Tan
My car insurance was due for renewal and my current underwriter quoted $1267. I went to NTUC Insurance and they quoted $1461 (seems they are not the cheapest as I thought). By chance, I saw a banner ad for AVIVA on Yahoo!SG and got an online quick quote for $1047, which is a saving not to be sneezed at. A little googling throws up both good and bad points, but I decided to sign up with them. Right or wrong decision, only time will tell.

My comment
It is easy to get an online quote from Aviva (www.aviva) or Direct Asia ( for your car insurance. They can usually give you significant savings. If not, you only wasted a few minutes, but you got a good benchmark to compare against your current insurer.


Unknown said...

Mr Tan,

When you were CEO of Income, i used to buy Car insurance from them as they were the most competitive.

Nowadays their price is horribly high. I am a risk free driver with 50% NCD for many years and they quoted 1800 for my Civic 1.8 and i got it now from Aviva at 850.

Of course i cannot compare the claims experience for both as i have not claim before and i hope to keep it free.


yujuan said...

Actually the car insurance market is competitive, walk into the more established ones, armed with information of recent promotions and rates quoted by and demand for better rates, if they refuse, just threaten to leave, they may relent, esp if you are their faithful customers for some time.

zhummmeng said...

a social enterprise run like a commercial company? what crap is this?

symmetrix said...

NTUC seems to have lost its way in the car insurance biz. I have been their customer for umpteen years in the past when their rates were truly competitive. The last few years saw their rates become uncompetitive, but somehow I stayed with them.

A few months ago I got a quote from and their rate of $1.3k was about $200 cheaper than NTUC's for the same benefits. I'm disappointed that NTUC, with a large customer base, could not beat a newbie. I signed up with

AC said...

I signed up my car insurance from DirectAsia which quoted $500 lesser than NTUC. It's a shock to me how far off NTUC was. They seem to be ignorant of competition or is it just plain arrogance ? People up there should seriously look at the direction NTUC is taking, I am no longer proud to be a NTUC member.

lim said...

I have done a deal online with directasia, fast and easy save 100 bucks

thanks unlce tan

Anonymous said...

nice article about car insurance
online car insurance

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