Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Focus on opportunity rather than problem

I share this story about how a local manager lost his job to a "foreign talent" and why he found it difficult to get a new job.

It has lessons for our local managers.


Anonymous said...

For companies to have to make retrenchments, do all you can to mitigate the negative effects for you may rely on the same people in the future?

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of wimpy people living within us. For every smallest thing, they get offended.
How are these people going through life when things are tough?

Anonymous said...

Electronic internet driving people up the wall.

Applied for a UOB supplementary bank card on the internet. The url they sent doesnt open.

It just go round and round like a wheel turning. Doesnt open. Gave up after half an hour.

There is a link to contact them by email. The computer-generated reply came back that they cant do bank business by email due to security reasons.

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