Friday, August 05, 2022

WOTC - COE system in Singapore

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 82% of the respondents said that the COE system needs to be changed.


Anonymous said...

Let us never compromise out of fear. But let us never fear compromising for the better.

Driving licenses should only be allowed from the ages of 25 years old onwards. There will always be reckless drivers of all ages, but this will help minimize some of the dangers and congestion on the roads. Those above 75years should not be allowed to own cars or drive. They are another danger on the roads even though need yearly checkups. Sensors should be on pedestrian crossings to manage traffic lights at road junctions when both green lights are on for both people and cars at the same time. All zebra crossings should be painted in bright luminous colour for night driving or heavy rainy days. Roads are more than enough hazards on the roads.

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and is never the result of selfishness. Napoleon Hill

Anonymous said...

A foreign driving license should not be accepted here from 3rd world countries. If needed to drive here, they need to pass the SGP Highway Code and go through the same driving lessons as the people. We cannot allow their lack of driving skills to be imported on the clean roads to endanger lives.

Anonymous said...

Some drove out of sheer necessity.

Some drove for thrills.

Some drove for being cool.

Some just think they are above class for public transport.

And most all those driving sports/super luxury cars drive to impress. There is no road space to enjoy such machines. It's kinda like if you have it flaunt it.

And the worst part of it all was there are no physical policing on the roads. Reliance too heavily on cameras.

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