Monday, May 08, 2023

Top holdings of Berkshire Hathaway

 Here are my views on the top 5 stocks in the portfolio of Berkshire Hathaway (managed by Warren Buffet).


Anonymous said...

To make people detect that they have the country and people's interests at

heart, self-governed groups must learn to gather input from professionals,

experts and objective personnel and not just their own preoccupation with selective

and inductive output.

Though there are those who only want to bless a government's decision-making for their

own personal gain, there are also neutral parties who from time to time did gave out

practical, workable, feasible and pragmatic proposal?

Anonymous said...

Some born and bred Singaporeans don't qualify to buy BTOs or housing grants maybe because of salary or something.
PRS who marry Singaporeans can buy or receive grants.
It should be fair because PRs also pay taxes, GST or COEs. Tio Bo?

Anonymous said...

Wat is the difference between "Cooling Property Measures" & "Filling The Coffers Measures?"

Both sama sama. Collecting more money in disguise!

Anonymous said...

Why Did Chiefs, CEOs or Leaders Keep Having Their Leases Extended Even Though Their Performance Can Be Seen As Graftly Lackluster??????????.

1) It Is Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don't.

2) Most Times They Get The Position By Being Who You Know Not What You Know.

3) Most People Are Not Fair.

Those Who Approved The Recycling Themselves Are The Same Feathers.

Anonymous said...

Agree with enough confusion and I think the people have had enough;

My father came home and showed me his dental bill from 2 private clinics extremely upset asking me for answers WHY? The first clinic charges him under MERDEKA CHAS and subsidies were calculated at 42%. This dentist's description was consultation, X-ray, extraction and cleaning. For certain treatments, he was given a referral letter to someone else. The grand total was $400 but after subsidies, he paid $224.50. No GST

The second dentist bill $1004 but the subsidy was only $16. He described that the diagnosis was similar but this description was an examination, X-ray and CT scan. Sub total $930, 8% GST at $74.40. Who came out with all these kinds of f_cking schemes?

Whoever suggested Coes should be this and that ought to be shut?

Anonymous said...

a dental clinic at mount elizabeth quoted a patient for teeth implants price as

$3600 for the bottom screw and $3600 for the top(crown)

bottom cannot be without top crown and crown cannot be without the bottom rather than just put as $7200 per tooth.

things are very deceiving nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Fellow Singaporeans, more oppositions ought to be voted in to stamp out ____________?
It might look like a patchwork, but we might look at the positive that all the different patchworks usually materialise into a beautiful quilt.

Do not be put off by the PAP'S patchwork policies that rarely turn into a beautiful quilt.

We cannot allow an auto-pilot PM, who is on his way out to shut his eyes, ears and mouth.
You are either the PM or you are not. Cannot be half and half. The incoming is also half and half. WTF.

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