Sunday, September 01, 2024

Cost of high speed rail

  A comparison of the cost of High Speed Rail.


Anonymous said...

Comparing apples with apples.
Is the US spending and purchasing in their currencies or Ringgit?

Alvir said...

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Anonymous said...

*Dollars & Sense*

My faith in the ministers is diminishing. The additional 20,000

COE(Certificate of Entitlement) does not encourage a congestion roads

lifestyle??? Only the multi-millionaires can afford to pay $100,000 for a COE

to let their luxury cars sit in the garage??? Ordinary people scramble to

obtain COEs because they either need a car or prefer not to use public

transport??? So, once again, it seems that the additional COEs do not benefit

the general roads car-lite but rather cater to ministers' families??? Are we

correct in this assumption??? Or was it the 20,000 additional COES

was to placate the public as the $100K is here to stay so as to secure

votes at the expense of fucking up the fucking roads??? Its the usage

not ownership??? As for most, when people pay $100K COES, they tend

to utilise the vehicle highly to make it worthwhile???

Anonymous said...

BTOS are strictly for Singaporeans cos it is SUBSIDIZED [?]- according to them.
Landed homes are also strictly for Singaporeans[?]. Land problem[?]
COES function mainly as [?].

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