Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Why does America dislike China?

 My crystal ball CB agrees with this Quora writer, Allen Allington

Why does America dislike China?

American politicians, preachers and press told China they had to give its citizens more freedoms and they did.

Then they told China they had to adopt capitalism and they did. Then did capitalism better than we do and that pissed off our politicians, preachers and press. So they keep the anti China smears and fears coming :-(

Our self serving politicians didn’t want China poor, uneducated and powerless and now they are pissed China has educated its citizens, significantly increased its middle class and has become an economic powerhouse. And now they don’t want and try to sabotage China’s progress.


Anonymous said...

Those times in school pupils were taught that they were the greatest powerful

nation in the world in America. Most grew up with the attitude that they were

superior to everyone around them. Now China could become the most powerful

and a richer country in the world. We are having two superpowers challenging

each other.

Here we have parents influencing their children that they are of a superior

race for successfully illustrated getting in Hwa Chung and Nanyang. That

name itself creates attention.

Anonymous said...

A poem the for elderly can relate;

The kids were a lot more contented,
They didn't need money for kicks,
Just a game with their friends on the road,
And sometimes Saturday flicks.

Do you think that bruised our ego?
Or our initiative was destroyed?
We ate what was put on the table
And I think life was better enjoyed.

Author, Unknown...

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