Sunday, April 28, 2024

A new approach towards recruitment

 I suggest a new approach to recruit staff and workers.


Anonymous said...

The biggest communication problem is they do not listen to understand. They listen to reply.( Parliament)

There is a price to be paid for every change in making. We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.(Policies)

Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living. – Albert Einstein. (Singles who prioritised freedom)

A Satisfied life is better than a successful life. Because our success is measured by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind, and heart.( Are the rich and successful happy?)

Don't let others change who we are to become what they need. (autocratic government)

Anonymous said...

Father and Son. There is a significant contrast between the father and son. The father

speaks with genuine concern for the country and its people, while the son focuses mainly

on praising his own team members and their abilities. Trust is essential when ordinary

citizens interact with the government, when they often lack any significant connections.

However, it can be challenging to trust a government that uses public servant for private

house hunting, uses public funds for isolated concert contracts, and abuses its power to

receive high-valued gifts? Investigations only commence when another country makes it

public, leaving many other actions in the dark. Despite this, acknowledges the son's life

sacrifices and thanks him for them, noting that the only similarities between father💓 and

son are their voices and foreheads, but the son💓 is still the best.

Anonymous said...

Singapore has grown tremendously since PM Lee took office.

a) Resale HDBs have grown to $1.5 mil.

b. Useless foreigners have grown.

c. White collar crimes have grown.

d. Costs of living have grown.

e. Daredevil has grown.

f. NATO leaders have definitely grown.

The only thing that has not grown is the interior size of the properties! Hooray.

Anonymous said...

"Investors are losing interest in the country. Workers are increasingly demanding the option to work from home or have flexible schedules. The late Queen of England gave Meghan and Harry a clear ultimatum, stating "you are either in or out, no half and half." The in-betweens hardly work in real situations.

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