Saturday, February 23, 2008

Educating the public

Dear Mr. Tan,

I see that you are educating the public on the pluses and negatives about the various insurance subjects and stock market situation.

Hopefully with the more educated and wider public attention, public would start cancelling their policies and redirect their savings else where, like I did. This will put pressure on the insurance companies to come clean.


Anonymous said...

I remember one guy by the name Forbes
who says that education is to fill up an empty head so to open up his mind.
I hope this blog will do the same, to fill the head with financial literacy
to open the mind to judge better so that you will not be fooled by by unethical insurance salesmen.

Anonymous said...

The public should visit MAS website
to read about the changes to the ways insurance and investment products will be sold in the future. You also can input your views how you like the insurance agents to treat you and what you can do if you are aggrieved by insurance agents.

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