Wednesday, May 28, 2008

An amicable solution

I discussed with NTUC Income's management to seek an amicable solution that will be in the best interest of policyholders and the reputation of NTUC Income.

Tan Suee Chieh asked me not to appear to "take credit" for getting Income to make some changes. He wanted both parties to appear to "win-win". I agreed.

I am disappointed that he made a statement to the media that I changed my tone after understanding the issues behind the restructuring of the bonus. This is not true. I have told Suee Chieh a few times that I am against the restructuring of the bonus,

1 comment:

blueoceans said...

If Mr Tan succeeds in getting Income to change its new bonus structure,he deserves the full credit due to him. What credit does Income's management want to take for?

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