Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wisdom on How to Life Life - Tommy Wong


Humans being the most intelligent species and having lived on Earth for thousands of years, we are yet nowhere near to a life of peace, love, joy and harmony. This book contains a story of a young man, Tom, who had conversations with two gurus, Dick and Harry. Guru Dick epitomizes someone from a worldly society who emphasized on the importance of money and power. Guru Harry epitomizes someone from a spiritual society who offered an alternative way of living which can lead to peace, love, joy and harmony.

Through the conversations, Tom learnt that (1) why peace is better than happiness as a goal in life, (2) how to be empowered in life, (3) how to achieve freedom in life, (4) how to live with pleasure and without pain, (5) what society should be focused on, (6) what is the objective of education, (7) what are the purposes of life, (8) what are the differences between man-made and divine laws, (9) what are the important spiritual concepts, and (10) how to transform Earth into heaven.

Tommy Wong
Book can be ordered here.


Adrian Khiat said...

Dr Wong's book is very readable because of the conversation style of writing and the large spacing that make it easy for an amatuer reader like myself.

I completed reading the book within 2 hours but because the ideas are repeated and reinforced, they actually went deep into my mind after reading it.

I will recommend this book.

Anonymous said...

I learnt alot of these things through my faith, bible study & scripture readings.

Anonymous said...

Life's principles and values, I learnt through the Bible.

Although it thicker and more difficult to read than Mr. Wong's book, but I felt that it covered more areas, in more details.

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