Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Home: our planet Earth

Here is a 90 minute video about the earth and the need to protect our environment.


Anonymous said...

the movie is beautiful.
check out it's youtube side link .

PPR is proud to support HOME

HOME is a carbon offset movie

i wonder how can HOME be free when you have to pay for your air...

Anonymous said...

from the link above, ts is a 5 part series detailing the evolution of money. How interest on money will drain off the world total money supply in the end. In the ancient past, charging interest on loans is called 'usury" and is chargeable under the laws.

In order to sustain the current economy system,we humans, have to consume more and earn more to avoid financial collapse. However the %points that we need to consume increases "exponentially", meaning one day, the resources of the earth will not be able to sustain the economy.

It is a good series that explores how money evolved until what it is today, money's value is now powered by debt. And debt is ever increasing due to interest. Another interesting point raised by the series, governments can make money, but why do they need to borrow from private institutions and pay them interest?


Anonymous said...

Revisit the video again.

First it tell you about the poor, resources, pollution...
then it tells
you 'It's all about carbon'.

During medieval period, the atmospheric temperatures were higher than present time.

Anonymous said...

basically, the message is to ask yourself (as mankind, not really just you, personally), do we like where we are going.....

Its always easy to criticise, but yet offer no solution. Mankind got a chance to change, would we do it ?

Anonymous said...

Look at ERP, after implementing it, do you think there will be one day it will be remove?

Anonymous said...

Why do all these environmental documentaries keep insisting that its "we, humans" that's destroying the earth?
It should be "we, the people of rich countries". Its their forefathers & ancestors who started plundering our earth resources so that their countries & people achieve their current developed status.
And now, when the people of poorer counties try to reach developed status, its the rich countries who come up with all these environmental issues. And these people are still the largest users of earth resources.
What hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Many people after seeing Avatar went into depression as they yearned to go to Pandora, a make belief world.
The point is, with our current economic model dependent on more and more consumption to generate more and more profits, Earth will one day become one gigantic sprawling metropolis.

Although technologies does help to stretch resources, they are not infinite.

The pressing issues are
1. Advancements in clean,cheap,abundant and environmentally friendly energy supply.

2.Changing the world economic model, or at least certain aspects of it to sustain a stable growth without exponential production and consumption.

3. Of so many documentaries with passionate pleas to save Earth, I have seen ONLY one whereby a scientist angrily stated that unless the exploding human population is controlled, there is no way that technologies and resources can keep up. He drew a parallel as scoring own goals in the fight against pollution.

But then as this is a unpopular issue, those who advocate it while in power will be booted out by votes.

Which leaves me to a saying by a wise Red Indian chief in the past who commented on the doings of the white people as they colonised the US.

"When the last fish is gone and the last tree felled. Then you will realise that you cannot eat money."

Earth based Lifeform

Anonymous said...

The Rich has the technology, they can implement it. This whole deal is a daylight robbery against the developing nation and the poor.
Who don't know which nation has the technology, abundant of green credits to sell, and the most prominent exchange.

By buying green credits for carbon, it doesn't make the developing nations pollute less.
You force them to pay or adopt expensive technology, I doubt they are going to release it for free.

If the Copenhagen deal went through, buying green credits will not become voluntarily.

How nice can it be when it was discover they use manipulated data during Copenhagen.

So if the deal went though, the Rich nation adopt green technology, sell green credits to developing country, oh! no choice, you sign the paper.
We will have Pandora, nice!

xl said...

Is part of reason why i don't like present govt's philosophy of growth for growth sake (philosophy of cancer cells)

Right now human beings are like cancer cells which would in time kill off the host planet if nothing is done to reverse it.

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