Sunday, April 05, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What if the ventilators in your hospital are fully used?
2. Are medical products from China defective?
3. Do we have capable and dedicated ministers?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doctors in China confirm.

This information is 100% accurate?????

Very effective for everyone

為什麼 中國 大陸 過去 幾天 大大 減少 了 感染 人數
China has significantly reduced the number of infections in the past few days.

Besides wearing masks and washing hands

他們 只是 簡單 地 每天 漱口 3 次 鹽水
They also gargle salt water 3 times a day

After that, drink warm water for 5 minutes nails

Because the virus initially only attacks the throat

Then just attack the lungs

When hit by saltwater

The virus will die or descend and disintegrate in the stomach

這 是 預防 冠狀 病毒 流行 的 唯一 方法 ,
This is one way to prevent Covid19 from being used by people.

市場 上 沒有 藥品
There is no medicine on the market

No need to buy

The General Hospital stated

新 冠 肺炎 在 還 沒有 來到 肺部 之前, Before the crown pneumonia / virus reaches the lungs

The virus lives in the throat for 4 days

At this time, the infected start to cough & sore throat.

If you can drink as much warm water as possible nails or saltwater

Can eliminate viruses

Good afternoon, always healthy greetings
#Sangatlawanviruscorona 🙏

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