Monday, March 19, 2007

How to handle a technical call center

Hello, Mr. Tan.

I have been to your talk before and a consistent visitor of your web site. I am impressed with how NTUC Income created its world class call center.

Understand that you are a person that most willing to share your knowledge and experience.

I am from a IT service line that had a call centre, but wanted badly to improve it to a world class standard.

Currently, I manage an IT Service Centre. With your years of experience in management, I believe you are the best person to advice me.


My reply:

I suggest that you pay a visit to Call Center One (a subsidiary of NTUC Income). It is located at Beach Road. The manager can show you how they handle technical calls. You can decide if it is worthwhile to outsource the first level calls to them. They can pass the second level calls to be handled by your experts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank again for your williness to share.

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