Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Honesty and truth matters

Listen to Michelle Obama - a great speaker!

1 comment:

yujuan said...

What's so memorable about Obama's Adminstration is America able to avoid the economic pitfalls of the Euro zone.
Secondly, although downplayed by many people, the dramatic killing of Osama the terrorist is impressive, thus crippling the Al Queda of a brand icon.
Thirdly, luck is on his side, with Apple showing the traditional life changing technological innovations of the Americans, indicating America is still a global technological powerhouse.
Only the jobs data is pulling down his stakes, showing he's not one with head for economics. But sometimes slow and steady would win the race finally.
Also he faces huge obstacles in the Congress dominated by the Republicans, clipping his ability to move.
Obama has his admirers, although the Israelis and the PAP Govt are not among them, we hope he'll have a 2nd term, one term is too short a time to prove his mettle.
But the odds look 50/50 at this junction.

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