Saturday, May 05, 2018

Should employers pay a levy for Employment Pass holders?

At present, employers are not required to pay a levy for employing a foreigner who hold an Employee Pass or E Pass. They are deemed to be "foreign talents" that are needed by our economy. However, these E Pass holders cause our PMETs to lose their jobs, because employers find them to be cheaper to employ.

I ask this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd - Should employers pay a levy for Employment Pass holders?

67% of the respondents say that the employer should pay a levy at a rate higher than the levy for S Pass holders.

14% said the levy should be the same as for S Pass holders.

14% said that there should be no levy as we want to attract them to work in Singapore.

4% said that we are barred by trade agreements from imposing this levy.

See the pie chart of the votes in

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