Monday, July 27, 2020

WOTC - Retirement of Goh CT

Wisdom of the Crowd: 91% of the respondents expressed a negative reaction over the past track record of Goh CT.


Anonymous said...

They will have withdrawal symptoms for a few years after withdrawing from what they have been doing half their lives. Architect Liu Thai Ker, 82 seems like still healthy and contributing.
Lee Kuan Yew's health went down when he gave up his position as Prime Minister. Could be because his brain was not active after the half retired?

Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
When Goh Chok Tong and Lee Hsien Loong were Prime Ministers, the people no matter what felt secure, knowing that when Singapore was to sink, the country had a great man from behind, ready to jump out from his grave to save us till 23rd March 2015.
Now we not only do not have the security, but we also have men who do not possess half of those qualities of one great man.
Once the ***POWERPOINT*** and a few of his good men retire the most in 10 years,

Most will be living in multi-million pigeon-holes

No consistencies in law and order

More hostilities within people

Un-orderly public servants

Crime rates will be an upswing

Policies will be just for the sake of of doing a job


Poor workmanship in the construction industry

In case of a war breaking out here, no one will defend. All will be on the first flight out

Corruption will increase

Maintenance for the country will erode

People will have to need a miracle to survive.

August 04, 2020 12:11 PM

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