Sunday, August 18, 2024

Salary of government minister

What is an adequate salary for a government minister in Singapore


Anonymous said...

Unbiased- The person who deserved a millions dollar salary should be Ah Loong. He could easily head DBS(which was profit driven all along.) His albino son has got no friends. He is always on his own, minding his own business. The high price he paid for being LHL son

Anonymous said...

It wasn't really about the sum of money but rather their perceived worth.

Anonymous said...

Gone: Raeeesh Khan, Leon Perera, Iswaran.

Going: Pritam, Vivian.

Anonymous said...

Ministers are worth millions if they possess the following,

1) Financial & Regulatory Expertise
5) Analytical Skills
6) Motivation
7) Marketing Skills
8) Anticipate.

Most of what we have now are rhetoric, emulating and copying policies from first-world countries and plagiarism with fine-tuning. Late LKY was a one-off and invaluable.

Anonymous said...

Quotes of the year.

We need leaders with experience in the real world, not experience in the phony world of politics.

We need laws written by people who have confronted life in the real world, not in the sheltered world of trust fund recipients of the insulated cocoon of academia.

People have a vested interest in promoting one set of polices rather than finding out what the truth is.

A leader should demonstrate his thoughts and opinions through actions, not words.

Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best.

Unkind people need your kindness the most. They advertise their pain.

The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.

To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money: sincerity and integrity.

Truth may not help us make friends, but it will help us keep sincere ones.

Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Late LKY might have it easier.
- There were lesser inhabitants.
- He had natural ability, determination and many good people for backups.
- Absence of social media.

Anonymous said...

There is a high shortage of good doctors in SG. Patients who are under private care, doctors see them as $$$$$. Therefore, we must not drain doctors into politics.

Anonymous said...

Whoever new they bring in for the next GE, will only be a cookie-cutter of the old!

Anonymous said...

"First and foremost, it is a job where your life seldom belongs to you, and not everyone can function well in the public domain; thus, money is secondary."

Anonymous said...

Losing weight cuz it might be those last few pages of blank cheques?

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