Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The harm of social media

 Social media can be harmful. It has to be controlled to protect law and order.



Anonymous said...

First and foremost, only a small percentage of people engage with social media (videos on YouTube hardly get more than 200,000 views). Most people experience storms in life, such as health issues, financial problems, relationship failures, or the loss of a loved one. The only ones who have some luxury time for social media are retirees or people connected to their work. Unfortunately, many people in this generation are either not well-educated or not familiar with technology. Additionally, with POFMA in place, it is having some impact. Most public figures are typically thick-skinned and rumors barely affect them. For example, regardless of what is said about Lawrence Wong, he continues to appear happy and keeps smiling. Educated individuals tend to rely on trusted news sources such as CNA. It's important to remember that everyone has their own skeletons and imperfections, so reading about someone else's bullshit only makes them more relatable as a fellow human being. Perfect humans don't exist not even LKY. People like to make appear that they are flawless, they can tell it to their God.

Anonymous said...

One People, One Nation, One Singapore?
When people deal with the government or banks, they need to produce reams and reams of supporting documents.

When the government puts out whether it is in parliament, replies, media or spoken word with sugar in mouth we have been told to accept.

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