Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Rely on a professional army

Singapore has 25,000 full time soldiers and 45,000 active conscripts.

If we move to a professional army, we probably need 40,000 full time soldiers to man the weapons and systems and to train the conscripts.

This is just my guess - I do not have any information to give a reliable figure.

We can still have compulsory military service, but the conscripts need only to serve 4 months to receive basic military training.

In the event of hostility, we can get the conscripts below 35 years to return for intensive refresher training. We can mobilize 350,000 people and re-train them over a period of a few months.

I believe that this structure will better achieve the goal of having an adequate defense for the nation and reduce the heavy burden of time and opportunity placed on our local born male citizens.

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