Sunday, November 22, 2020

WOTC - Will Donald Trump accept the results of the election?

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 80% of the respondents expect Donald Trump to challenge the results if he loses the election. This poll was taken before the election.


Anonymous said...

If Jesus, Buddha and Confucious were all alive and happened to be at the same place, how would they argue over who is right?

Anonymous said...

When realty penetrates what he was trying to latch on, slowly but surely, he will go back to his old environment, maybe that was what he had a flair for, and enjoy what he lived for. At the moment he is in denial, as he was winning at the beginning.

Anonymous said...


Truth no 1: Nobody is real in this world except Mother..

Truth no. 2: A poor person has no friends..

Truth no. 3: People do not like good thoughts they like good looks..

Truth no 4: People respect the money, not the person..

Truth no 5: The person you love the most, will hurt you the most !!!

Truth no 6: Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it... It Becomes Difficult"

Truth no 7: When you are happy you enjoy the music", but "when you are sad, you understand the lyrics".

Truth no 8: IN LIFE Two things define you "Your patience" when you have nothing... & "Your attitude" when you have everything..

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