Friday, January 20, 2023

Losses suffered by Hyflux

 Some people said that Hyflux collapsed due to bad decisions taken by its management from the following:

a) Losses on overseas projects
b) Tendering a low price for the supply of water under the Tuaspring plant.

From my research, these above factors contributed to only a smaller portion of the loss by Hyflux. The main loss was due to their generation of electricity when the electricity price collapsed due to oversupply.


Anonymous said...

Not easy for businesses nowadays.
Food courts with empty stalls are quite common nowadays.
Could it be because people are still working at home?
Koufu seemed to be the worse.

Anonymous said...

A quarter of a century ago, people feel secure and when they wanted to do something, they have faith that nothing bad would happen. The only faith that they did not have was being sued by the head. Plus, the fear of doing wrong.

Nowadays, even with big international companies, you feel like you have to deal with everything with caution. You put on the wrong foot and your life is a misery.

I had lunch with an overseas colleague who was making a visit to Singapore. Whilst scanning for the menu, an advert showed up on my phone. I only learnt of it later it was an advert. Busy in conversation, I pressed to continue and to fill in the code that was given thinking that I was signing in to order. Popping up on my phone was that I had purchased a video package and that $10 weekly would be added to my Singtel account. To unsubscribe, I could call a number that was given. on the pop-up screen. I tried calling the number every half hour but there was no ringtone.
Singtel was of no help. Their reply was the video company did not belong to them.

Sad to say, society has become such a money world where service is lacking everywhere. Once in a while when you come across good service you think that you be in the wrong country.

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