Wednesday, September 23, 2009

President Obama's speech to the United Nations

As I hear President Obama speak to the United Nations, I wonder - how much is he referring to Singapore? We will know, when he comes to Singapore in November for the APEC meeting.


Tan Kin Lian said...

The Straits Times reported the four pillars of Ameria's policy towards the world. But it did not mention the remarks made by President Obama on the following:
* overnment should reflect the will of he people
* Prosperity must be for the many, not the few
" Governments should not suppress dissent and opponents

These are not the actual words that he used. They are my best effort in recollecting what he said.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is a great orator, his speeches always carries some hidden meaning for us to guess. I have yet to rate his governing abilities, but I agree with TKL his recent speech hinted about the situation in Singapore. This shows he has intense interest and knowledge of ASIA, and he is turning out to be one of the most astute, if not the best, US president ever. Our local media is censored, anything unfavourable towards our Govt is completely blanked out. I have to rely on the internet or foreign papers to get REAL news.

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