My election symbol is a raised hand in a speech box. The raised hand represents the people of Singapore and the five fingers symbolises the 5 personal values that I hope will guide our country: Honesty, Fairness, Positive Attitude, Courage and Public Service. The hand is inside a speech box which represents my slogan to be the Voice of the People.
The colour of our campaign is Red+White (representing Singapore) and Grey (representing independence from any political party).
Dear Mr. Tan Kin Lian, you are my only choice.
The 5 values are so important as the president.
I wish you can win the presidential election.
All the best on your campaign trail.... Just like to make a suggestion with respect to the single rally restriction that the government has imposed on all candidates.
In the interest of reaching a wider audience, is there any likely that the 4 candidates can come together and invite each other to speak at their election rally so that a rally can be held in 4 corners of this island and people can then hear what each has to offer.
I think this is feasible since this election is essentially non-patisian and such an arrangement would demostrate that.
Dear mr TKL,
The cross must we make a full cross between 1 end to the other end or simply just a small - middle cross in the middle of the box without touching the corners.
I'm afraid either of it will reject my vote into discarded category.
Well all the best to your campaigning
Your vote will come from Mr Crocodile
I appeal to readers in Mr. Tan’s blog to go Yahoo News http://sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore/
to show your support for Mr. Tan Kin Lian.
Many supporters for TSJ managed to create an impression that TSJ is the most popular candidates among TKL, TCB and TJS.
Some readers buy their ideal that to avoid splitting the votes, they should all give their votes to TJS.
Dear Tan Kin Lian
I strongly feel that it was totally unnecessary for you to make the following remark against Tan Jee Say recently: "The criteria is you need a person who has run a company with S$100 million in capital. To my common sense, Tan Jee Say does not qualify."
I believe that both you and Tan Jee Say qualified for the PE COE under the "similar capacity" provision. As far as I can recall, you yourself did not qualify under the criterion that you have just cited - since you did not run a company but only a cooperative.
Since the PEC has already decided to grant all the 4 candidates the COE, please don't begrudge Tan Jee Say his COE.
By the way, your unwarranted remark has cost you 1 vote - mine. Thanks.
Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,
I have to thank you for speaking out for NSmen. Dr Tony Tan and Dr Tan Cheng Bock have spoken about healing the great divide among the people. However, it is you who have really done something to heal this great divide so far by speaking out on the unfairness of NS for male Singaporeans. There is a great divide between the local Singaporeans who did their NS and the rest (new citizens, PRs and foreigners) who did not. Is it fair for native Singaporean males to be discriminated during job interviews because of their NS reservist liabilities while the rest gain an edge in the job market through the very sacrifices that Singaporean males made to the nation's national security? Is it fair for them to have equal or near-equal access to privileges in the form of housing grants, education and health subsidies while not making proportional sacrifices as the Singaporean citizens who did their NS? If male Singaporeans lose job opportunities to foreigners because they are uncompetitive, fair enough. However, is it fair when male Singaporeans lose out on job opportunities in the course of performing their duties as Singaporean citizens? This is not a small problem today as workers without NS liabilities possibly constitute as much as 50% in the workforce, based on my personal experience. Employers have plenty of choices to choose from if they want workers who do not have to disappear for weeks year in year out due to NS liabilities.
For foreigners to integrate successfully into Singaporean society, the native Singaporeans have to be willing to accept and even welcome them. How can the government's efforts to get the foreigners to integrate into Singaporean society be successful with these issues of unfairness boiling in the hearts of the native Singaporeans?
The prerequisite to heal the great social divide is to address all issues of unfairness felt by all members of Singaporean society, Singaporeans and foreigners alike, to be fair to all.
So far, you are the only Presidential candidate who has addressed the unfairness of NS which is one of the burning issues dividing Singapore society between those who did NS and those who did not.
I count several foreigners among my good friends. I do not blame them for taking advantage of various government policies because if I were in their shoes as a foreigner in Singapore, I would have done the same. We need a President who can bring attention of such issues to the government. This has been done by Mr Tan Kin Lian. Thank you, Sir.
TKL has expressed that the Presidential salary is too high and will donate at least 50% of the salary to charity, if elected.
This will set a good example for other Ministers to follow.
If we all agree that President’s salary and Ministers’ pay are too high, then please vote for TKL.
TKL is largely inactive (PAP member) for more than 25 years (since 1985) and also no longer a PAP member for more than 3 years (since 2008).
He spoke up against the government (MAS, MM Lee, SM Goh) during the Lehman Mini-bond.
I believe that we can count on him to be independent of PAP government.
I have been following Tan Kin Lian's blog for 3 years (since 2008).
I find him really cares for the welfare and well-being of ordinary people.
Over the years, he has expressed his concerns and has made suggestions on issues that affecting the ordinary people on:
1)the affordability of HDB flats
2)the need of unemployment insurance for the workers
3)the widening income gap between the elites and ordinary workers
4)the transportation woes of ordinary people
5)the high public medical fee
6)the need of minimum wage
7)the selling of high risk complex credit-link notes(with only moderate return) to ordinary people
8)the selling of high cost and low yield insurance products to ordinary people
When he was the CEO of NTUC Income, he introduced many low cost insurance policies with good return which benefited many ordinary Singaporeans.
He does not think that Public office’s holders should receive multimillion dollars salary and has indicated that, if elected, he would donate at least 50% of the Presidential salary to charity.
I believe that Mr. Tan will be the “Voice of the people” President, if elected.
I will vote for Tan Kin Lian as President of Singapore.
You have done your very best and indeed it has been a great learning experience, known/unknown mistakes aside. Keep it up; you do have my respect. I do not think you need to worry too much about the mistakes (although some might be considered harsh IMO), since your honesty and sincerity as a person stands out much further.
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