Thursday, July 23, 2020

A pervasive level of insanity

The level of insanity is quite pervasive in Singapore.

Many ministers are insane. The civil servants also get the same disease.

Why do I say this?

I search Google for the number of visitors into Singapore every day, during the pandemic and the border closing.

Do you want to know what I get?

Just follow this link (obtained through Google).

I clicked through a few levels of links and got lost.

Now I became insane.

The world country is getting insane.

Why can't they just present a simple table to show the number of visitors into Singapore every day? Why do they have to present the data in this troublesome and confusing way?

The insanity start at the very top. It has now infected a large segment of the population.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when things are too good to be true, no matter what always check for the fine prints!

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