Sunday, July 19, 2020

Inflow of foreigners

Many Singaporeans are angry at the inflow of foreigners who take over their jobs and become new citizens. They vent their anger against the immigrants.

I hold a different view.

I understand that the migrants also face a challenge in adapting to a new country and culture. Their families also face the same difficulty.

Singaporeans will also face similar difficulties when they migrate to another country. They also have to face the xenophobic reaction from the locals there.

There are advantages to a country to welcome immigrants who can contribute to the dynamism of their economy and society.

However, in the case of Singapore, the problems caused by the migrants to the local workforce is daunting and disruptive to a harmful extent. They overcome the benefits that are brought by the immigrants.

Why is this the case?


Anonymous said...

Singapore has now reached a point where most MNCs & larger companies are paying E-pass foreign workers even higher than equivalent Singaporean workers, and yet still prefer to hire the more expensive foreigners. This is due to the culture & attitude of many large companies where a large portion of senior management, hiring managers, and even middle managers are foreigners themselves. Humans naturally prefer to work with others of the same race or nationality or culture or background. They will argue that it promotes productivity & cohesiveness.

As most Singaporeans below the age of 40 are now degree holders, they face a lot of such hurdles with MNCs. A Singaporean will need at least a 2nd Upper honours from NUS/NTU/SMU or Ivy League Unis to even be *considered*. While FTs with just basic degrees from 3rd world unis are routinely hired with $5k, $6k, $7k & above salaries.

This is what's making Singaporeans mad.

Anonymous said...

New Chiefs New Indians.

Anonymous said...

The oppositions had (50 members?) and mostly couldn't get along, so they left to join another party.

The famous family has 3 siblings and they cannot get along all for a dishonorable will over a house.

Do you think it is easy for PMLee to hold all the ministers and MPS together especially when some of the ministers acted like a principal and teachers from a school towards its people?

Anonymous said...

What is going to happen to all the new condo launches TOP, when tenants will still be the same numbers or maybe less? 2021~ 2024 will have a lot of vacant units?

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