Saturday, April 02, 2022

WOTC - Teach problem solving skills

Wisdom of the Crowd: 80% of the respondents said that we should give more emphasis to teaching the skills of problem solving in our schools. 8% said that this is already being done.


Anonymous said...

If the government see money as the answer to all of the problems, that’s going to be a problem.

Solving problems are also the same people who created them.

· If a=b a = b then a+c=b+c a + c = b + c for any c c . · If a=b a = b then a−c=b−c a − c = b − c for any c c .

By all means, always take the easy way out, increase taxes, levies, tariffs, tolls or punishment. To understand what triggers certain behaviour, we need to identify the root cause.

Unless you heal the root of a problem, the pain will not go away. You can hide from it, but the problem stays until you dig deep. - Author: Leon Brown

Anonymous said...

The lack is critical thinking, not problem solving.

Anonymous said...

What do you intend to do when you grow up?
He ruled out law because he didn't like lawyers.
He ruled out medicine because he couldn't take the sight of blood.
He thinks he would earn money from the sweat of others.

Anonymous said...

Crime is rising and people are becoming bolder.
Lack of enforcement to deter, but more cameras to only solve. Many more gangsters are not made known.

SINGAPORE - A man has been caught on video retrieving a pointed silver-coloured object from a car during a scuffle near shopping mall Katong Square in East Coast Road.

The incident, which also saw one man choking another, comes on the back of a string of recent violent incidents in public spaces involving bladed weapons like swords, knives and razor blades.

A video of the scuffle posted on Facebook on Tuesday morning (April 5).

Anonymous said...

The country is crumbling around us. We are in dire need of change. We deserve better not oppositions who ask questions and leaders who give textbook answers.

Anonymous said...

Why do illiterate people seem happier?

I see them just hanging out face to face no zoom, texts or email. If they got a decent job and live in an ok community, they are fairly content. They might know what doing without means. There are more unhappy people even within the literate. They use to say ignorance is bliss.

To them, survival means the basics of food, air and shelter, not power, excess or just spending life chasing the inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Japanese emphasized relentlessly looking to remove waste of all kinds down to redesigning workspaces. The result was that Japanese products were more reliable and efficient than American ones, especially cars made in Japan. In the 1970s servicing calls for American-made were about 5 times more than Japanese-made products.

The Japanese eliminated points of friction that sap time and energy so that people can achieve more with less effort. They deliver their products with easy to understand and simplify as many steps as possible

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