Monday, November 08, 2010

FISCA Talk - Consumer Guide to Insurance

I have received several requests from readers to conduct a talk on insurance. In response to this request, I have prepared the outline of the talk here. The fee for the talk will be $20 (for FISCA members) and $30 (for public).

I wish to carry out a survey to find out how many people are interested in this talk. Please reply to this survey. If there is sufficient interest, I will ask FISCA to organise this talk.


Tan Kin Lian said...

I got 8 responses in 1 day. This is insufficient. I need 40 interested people to start an event.

William said...

The fee is quite high. Should keep below S$10 for members.

Tan Kin Lian said...

$20 per participant is needed to cover the cost of rental of the premises and other expenses, excluding the time spent by the speaker (me), which is given for free.

When you buy a bad insurance policy, you will have to pay a few thousand dollars extra over the years. So, don't be cent wise and dollar foolish!

Tan Kin Lian said...

Don't save $20 and wast $2,000!

rabbit7075 said...

yes. i agree. Mr Tan is definitely educating the public FOC!

zhummmeng said...

The lecture room is NOT free. It can run to hundred of dollars. $20 is to meet cost only and the talk is as good as free.
Don't be cents wise and dollar foolish.

Insurance agents can give free 'advice' but what happened to your policies?

Tan Kin Lian said...

I have 12 responses now. Still a long way to go to build up sufficient number of attendees.

Unknown said...

Mr Tan, why don't you do a web seminar? In this way there is no rental cost. You'll have to get someone to help you with the IT part of setting it up too.

Tan Kin Lian said...

So far, I only receive 189 replies. This is not sufficient for a talk. I need more people to form a class. Do encourage other consumers to attend, as they are wasting a lot of money by buying the wrong insurance products.

Vincent said...

Mr Tan

Have you thought of delivering a talk to mandarin as well? There maybe another group of audiences out there.

AC said...

Mr Tan, I think the response to your talk would be good. You should go ahead and do it. We all should learn from your wisdom. However, looking at your outline, I suggest you don't dwell too deep into each of the specific type of insurance, a broad stroke would suffice. Perhaps, from your professional opinion, you can let us know what are "the must", "good to have", "waste money" type of insurance (at different phases of one's life). I would be keen to attend.

Tan Kin Lian said...

I have now received 24 replies. I still need a few more participants

William said...

Count me in, make it 2 because I will bring my wife along. $30 is a cheap price to pay for invaluable and independent guidance without conflict of interest. Remember 'ADVICE GIVEN FOR NOTHING IS USUALY WORTH NOTHING'.

PS I am not the same 'William' in the above comment posted. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am a retiree and have got to watch my budget carefully. I appreciate that the membership fee for retiree like me be kept to an exceptionally low amount. I also hope Mr Tan can set up some blog to share on how retirees are coping with their finances.

Tan Kin Lian said...

William, please register in the survey form, so that your request will be followed up.

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