Friday, October 01, 2010

Ranking of Nanyang Technological University - Letter from President

View the letter sent by the President of NTU to the alumni, regarding the university ranking in

Opening paragraphs:
In the last week, my colleagues and I have received emails and letters of concern and outrage from students and our alumni about recent media stories saying NTU has dropped 101 places in university rankings. The NTU community is understandably upset, confused and alarmed and is right in asking what the NTU leadership is doing about this. As NTU's President, I can understand your feelings and realise how our hard work and efforts in recent years to build NTU's reputation have been damaged by these media reports. Let me state categorically that NTU did NOT drop 101 places in university ranking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is NTU on denial mode and pretend that nothing happen?

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