Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Quora; Why is the US and Trump trying to damage China economically by imposing sanctions and banning Chinese companies like TikTok and WeChat?

 Paul Mitchell answered.

My opinion is this:

The USA runs on fear. It causes people to fear it, to get what it wants, but it does this because it itself is frightened, so ever ready to start a fight.

It’s why most of the population is armed, gun deaths are common, violence is glorified and negotiation and compromise are seen as weak. The epitome of this behaviour is Trump, who is a personification of these beliefs. He lies because he is frightened, he bullies because he is frightened, he is unhappy because he is frightened.

It’s why there are no go areas, mass murderers are household names, death row is glorified, there were lynchings of black people. Entitlement exists out if fear. Obesity exists as people try to soothe their fear. It’s all about being frightened.

The USA is scared of China because it’s bigger, richer, better organised, has happier people in it, growing as opposed to shrinking, so the USA is terrified, and now dangerous.

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