Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should the town council be restructured?
2. How was National Day 2020?

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Anonymous said...

2. How was National Day 2020?

Don't politicians know the value of money not well spent? The parade had become monotonous. If people are honest with themselves, how many look forward to the celebrations? If it occurs every five years, maybe it contributes to being more meaningful??? Today's own personal goal, too many selfish agenda, is to see their own children do well.
One mother, whose son is only sixteen months old, is already worried in the far future that when he gets married, he belongs to his wife. How does this sound???

Anonymous said...

In a market system, prices provide a way of deciding who gets to enjoy a limited supply of good schools, an uncomfortable state of affairs. There is a willingness to pay for good schools, as it emerges because house prices are higher in areas of schools with a good reputation?

Anonymous said...

Most people are not taking Covid=19 safety seriously. When circuit breaker lockdown 2 happens, blame the government again.

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